"To gain the friendship of a cat is a difficult thing. The cat is philosophical, methodical, quiet animal tenacious of its own habits, fond of order and cleanliness, and it does not lightly confer its friendship. If you are worthy of its affection, a cat will be your friend, but never your slave. He keeps his free will, though he loves and he will not do for you what he thinks is unreasonable. But if he once gives himself to you it is with absolute confidence and affection." ...Theophile Gautier 1850
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life... Music and Cats" -- Albert Schweitzer
Thank you for visiting .. Take your time and ENJOY our cats and our site.
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  Unique Prints Bengals
Unique Prints SBT's & EG's
Enjoy the photos! We are continuously striving to make the BEST of the BEST and enjoy featuring some of our Adventure Cats and Super spoiled pets! I am sure they would love a follow :) Want to be added?? Just shoot us an email! The gallery below showcases some of our amazing ADVENTURE CATS, LOVED and SPOILED pets and some amazing cats sold into other programs! Some of them are so special and adventurous that they have their own INSTAGRAM ... links provided!
The gallery below contains pictures of SBT (domestic) bengals produced here by Unique Prints Cattery. Ever wonder what some of the terms are that you hear.... rosetted, glittered, clouded, marble, melanistic etc???? This gallery is loaded with photos and descriptions to help you understand and get to know the bengal cat better ... and show off some of the stunning cats produced here!

Stunning brown and snow bengal owned by Luke Grimes and his stunning wife Bianca Grimes

bengal cat spotted belly

Check out the whisker pads on this girl!!!! Keeper girl :)

Stunning brown and snow bengal owned by Luke Grimes and his stunning wife Bianca Grimes

all bengals have a spotted belly/underside Paw pads should be black but some show pink. This girl is amazing

seal lynx spotted tabby. Seal lynx have ice blue eyes and are the lightest of the snow bengals

one of the most beautiful typey kittens I ever made. Old school photo

all bengals have a spotted belly/underside Paw pads should be black but some show pink. This girl is amazing

F1 bengal kitten from ALC Hayden

F1 bengal cat from ALC Hayden

F1 bengal cat from ALC Hayden. perfectly spotted tail and legs!

F1 bengal kitten from ALC Hayden